The happy place

This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

I sometimes get the feeling I’m about to get struck dead by lightning. It’s when I’m in my home cooking in the kitchen. It doesn’t make no sense but it’s like this from time to time. Like some bad omen.

There’re some horrors out there waiting for you for which I have no clue how to adequately prepare. Best thing you can do is try to hold on to what you got and always rise again when life deals you a hard blow and try to make things right: don’t leave no words unspoken, no deed undone and make amends and all that. Don’t part ways in bad terms with people you love.

Also ensure that the people you love know this.

I try to do all of these things because I think a lot about death and it scares me a lot.

A lot.

Memento Mori by Kamelot is a great track.

Memento Mori by Architects is a great track.

Speaking of which, I’ll see them (Architects) soon like in a couple of days.

Ok look forward to seeing about my next post!! It’s gonna be the best one yet!

Take care in the meantime.

hello there is nothing in my head, no feelings just nothing up there. this week feels like there will be a bunch of nothings between all the meals and terrors of waking up.

Waking up feels awful, but at the same time it’s great just because of the alternative.

There’s a line of text from this song, “You have survived” by Firewind which is really stuck in my head (the whole text is really great but this one line is the one I’m referring to):

All is well, at the end of the day If you're still alive

indeed it is so.

One place I worked at had some guideline or ethos that “you dig where you stand”, I guess about seizing the opportunities within your reach; it makes absolutely no sense at all: what if you’re on top of a septic tank or a power line, or are in the middle of the mine field? You’d be in for a big surprise… What about moving to some place where there may be gold or diamonds and dig there instead?

Thus my recommendation is to dig where there’s treasure or you’ll end up with at best nothing.

I just saw that film about Elton John a few months ago. Did you know he was gay?

The circle of life song from lion king I really liked as child. A friend at the time (a peasant) had that one on CD. He also had an Amiga with Golden Axe. He said dwarves are ten times stronger than humans and we had an argument when he said wrestling wasn’t real and I didn’t wanna realise this. It can shatter your world view; the very Fundaments upon which you base your understanding of the world around you can be shattered like that and then you must seek to put the bases elsewhere. To try again to rebuild.

Joe Abercrombie writes in some book I don’t remember which one about facing harsh truths and that you cannot avoid that; you must realise those things in order to grow you cannot live in denial.

One of my favourite authors he is. I also enjoyed the count of Monte Christo a great deal indeed. Books don’t have to be boring I mean with so many books on this earth it makes sense to read the ones you like first.

Have you ever shut down one port too many and disabled all traffic in Asia and Europe?

Firewalls are dangerous by design and no toys


The dangers are implied by the name as is the case with terraform: the terrors of running terraform destroy from the wrong directory are real.

Indeed not for the faint of heart and that line of lyrics from Alicia keys comes to mind:

Yes I was burned but I called it a lesson learned.


See now that many of my recent posts have been rants and I’m not usually this angry I better do some soul searching to find inner peace. I ought to go for a run or something. I used to go fitness dancing. I miss doing that. It’s the toughest type of training I’ve ever done, cause you don’t set the pace yourself; you follow the choreography and therefore blood will run out of your nose and you’ll feel like fainting and you’ll slip in your own sweat and you’ll feel like you radiate heat and once there was this guy he had a prosthetic arm which flew away across the room, with Dua Lipa blasting out the speakers!!

Another memory is of a guy wearing shorts, he had legs like tree trunks, real thick and muscular like a fortress on two solid pillars: A fitness golem. (A beautiful sight)

in a mirror I saw that.

Had to delete LinkedIn app just now cause it’s such a cringe fest. Some life advice shared between a bunch of wankers, like idiotic things really, like how some people are owls and they bring value because of this, or that you should be able to explain everything to a ten year old, or you share your tips on how to secure the infrastructure to not get hacked (like focus on externally exposed services first (who would’ve guessed that)), and some selfies where they cry to show that sometimes they feel bad inside even though they seem to be happy (deep).

All of this is what I’ve seen today. and people out there put shit like this on LinkedIn cause what? they aspire to become some sort of influencers? I feel stupider every time I Scroll that feed and now enough is enough.


Aaah I am alive!!

To breathe the fresh air and well I can’t smell anything really, but I know there are smells of various kinds in my area, to know that and to not have that much pain anywhere is a stroke of luck if you want my opinion.

Making lasagna today. Making some fantastic work at work today. Having a fresh cup of coffee and some snus today like right now. This life; Today I’m up for the challenge!

Have you seen the news? read about the wars? The killing of the innocent? The recession? That unemployment is soaring and that people are getting poorer and that that democracy index thing is back like fourty years in time? And the rich line their pockets, profiteering of people’s misery; Don’t read that shit what can you do about all of that? I mean sure you could do something or everything or nothing, but what?

Put shortly; ambivalence is what I’m feeling about today.

Bought three pairs of jeans. Thing is they change the formulae for jeans over the years so you cannot buy same pair because all bets are off even with same model number and instead you have to go to store and try them on.

That’s a fact of life I have come to accept even though for sure I do not understand it, like the case is with so many other things including why I would want to buy a new pair of jeans which looks already like the pair I’m seeking to replace. Like with frizzles and pale on the knees etc.

This is the case that we try to navigate in a world we do not understand, we are just trying to give it our best shot at least I do that: strive to be decent and honest and kind and stuff.

I’m feeling anger now but that’s cause I’m a little bit hungry and lack the energy to rise from the sofa, what they call a catch 22 and a downward spiral snd a vicious cycle but I will break the cycle now.

There are some people out there with their heads so far up their asses that their heads pop right back out of their mouths again. My best advice is to stay clear of such people as they will make your life miserable even though that may not be their intentions.

So anyhow that’s all about my Monday which now is successfully completed. Even I did go for a run in the snow because it wasn’t -23c for a change.

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