My beautiful face

I just saw myself in the mirror and it seems I’ve aged like a fine wine or even maybe one of the fancy type of whiskeys they keep in an oak barrel.

There were some type of wrinkles on there, on the face, and a wild red tinted beard and yellow long hair which looks like Legolas hair. A hard, battered and at the same type kind face. Sunburned. Healthy, with a very big slightly asymmetrical nose in the middle. On either side is an eye, one of which is also slightly off center, but both of them look both wise and intelligent.

Those eyes have seen some shit, but how then could this face look so kind?

Handsome. Beautiful. It’s the yin yang of the face, or the wabi sabi which makes this face of mine so very beautiful.

I think that’s what makes us humans so incredible we can’t be perfect and therefore we are perfect in our own flawed ways or something paradoxal like that.


Never was one much for whiskey. I think it tastes absolutely awful. Fireball I like because I love sugar and cinnamon, but not whiskey it’s just not my cup of tea, but it’s a figure of speech.