The happy place

This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

In the future. So the future with the AI and all that we are in for some rapid development. My best friend, who I talk about quite often, is bummed out that we are likely the last generation to die of age, because were age treated like an illness we would’ve found a cure by now, and maybe we are about to cure aging (a cure may be imminent), but that’s not the point I am about to do in this here post.

The point is that now that we’re doing so much science, why haven’t we done some human DNA corrections by now, like why do we still have only two arms? When you are by the computer, for example, you have a keyboard which operates with two hands, AND a mouse. Also the standard keyboard has got 104 keys, that’s 10,4 keys per finger. It would be nice with some more fingers. If we had four arms like Machamp, and 10 fingers on each hand, then on standard keyboard we’d have 3,4 keys per finger instead, AND one hand could be on the mouse.

And we should have eyes on the ears too, so when driving the car, we could constantly watch the dead angle “döda vinkeln“,

And lastly, it would be nice with extra padded knees (for carpenters) and bigger asses so sitting long time in chair would be more comfortable.

Ok bigger asses are achievable without DNA hacking

Even though I’m no longer a young man, having spent ~40% of my estimated life span thus far, I still count myself wise beyond my years, cause I spend so much time thinking about things.

Some would even say that I think too much.

For example I’ve been thinking about fancy clothing for men that there aren’t many options like you have suit on and maybe some tie or fly and there really aren’t many different ways to dress like you can’t have sari or skirt, I don’t think, and maybe if you are Scottish enough you can have kilt but I think that’s all you can do but if you go back in time, just a couple of hundred years; men wore pantaloons and capes with fancy silver buckles and swords around the waist and big hats like magicians hats and monocles like the monopoly guy and or some cool goggles like in a victorian steam punk novel or anyhow I saw a documentary about capes, that it was when the automobile came to replace the horse that rendered the various capes and cloaks obsolete, and ever since then it’s been going downhill. I guess that you could wear all those things (except the sword) and only thing is that you’d be suspected for some freak and I’d rather let them wait until they’ve talked to me before noticing that because I’m also very charming.

My prediction for 2024 is that it’s gonna change because at this point there’s only one way for fancy men clothing trends to go, and that’s up, because surely we’re at rock bottom now.

Anyhow if I could change my appearance then I’d go for elf ears.

I’ve been listening to a lot of country music lately, love that stuff, the lyrics, banjo, fiddle and most of all the steel guitar, and ofttimes the lyrics are very true to the human nature or something.

Well anyhow, so I’m listening to that stuff and at the same my head feels a bit empty, but it’s like that from time to time, you put stuff upside down and it’s very very dark outside so could be I’ve got a bear tendency where the brain hibernates a bit during winter and works in failsafe mode with limited capabilities.

My best friends spirit animal is the bear; he is strong like an ox, and frequently hibernates during winter (he’s also an omnivore, just like a bear). We found this out during one of those very deep discussions that we often have, because we’re both philosophers at heart; interested in the mysteries of life and we were discussing if we were in Harry Potter, which Patronus animals we would have. (We would both of us be sorted into the Hufflepuff house because we have that humble mindset that is a telltale sign of people who are very very beautiful on in inside), but anyhow so his Patronus would obviously be a bear.

And mine would be a Donkey.

It’s not a bad animal to have, IIRC Jesus rode into some town (was it Betlehem?) on one.

Dear diary today I didn’t do much worth noting down today; I painted some ceiling, guarded a dog for two hours, and drove to get some paint (for the ceiling, not the dog). And went with the family to mum’s to get some Christmas food. Man, I love food. And Christmas, and my family. And mum too.

Anyhow like I said nothing to write about really, but were I limited to writing down only interesting things then I wouldn’t have nothing in this here blog.

When I was a young man my mum gave me the “Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell” CD for Christmas one year, and it blew me away; the cover is awesome: Some dude flying on a motorcycle rescuing some sort of woman stuck on a tall building from what I assume is the Bat Out Of Hell himself, looming ominously in the background; just wow!

There was one track on there which really resonated with me, it’s “Life Is A Lemon And I Want My Money Back”. Lyrics-wise I felt this track was very on point in most regards, especially this about school:

What about your school It's defective It's a pack of useless lies

There are other powerful messages in that song about love being defective and hope too (and the future, you can shove the future up your ass), which also struck a chord in me because I was in a dark place back then, but still to this day I consider this song a masterpiece. An awesome song, maybe one of the best ones ever made.

Life ain’t so bad for me now though (peppar peppar), for I’ve learned to make lemonade.

Oh man there was the nobel fest this weekend, what a drag. Dress up like some human shaped Christmas present with a ribbon round your neck, sit still and eat with very small utensils, and lots of them. The food doesn’t look that good either; like they put a small postal stamp on the plate, with some kolasås on, which you have to eat with those also small utensils.

When I win the nobel prize (in literature), I don’t think I’m gonna go to that party; I’d rather celebrate with my family. In fact, I might do like Bob Dylan and not show up to the ceremony either.

No use to think more about this, cause I haven’t even written my first book yet, but I have a very good feeling about it. It’ll most likely be a masterpiece.

Feeling encouraged after seeing that my last post had five views I think this is the start of my promising career as some sort of author. You see the thing is that I am a very multi talented guy; I can do acrylic painting, like I said I have a high EQ, I am a reasonably competent fitness dancer, and I have a way with words.

Having so many strings on my lyre, one of my biggest challenges is channeling my talent onto something, like. I can’t spend 10_000 hours on all of the things I’ve got an aptitude for, because I am limited to a 100 year life span.

But now I shall do something with my writing skills, problem with writing about my life is that I don’t think I do enough stuff worth writing about. My life is very unexciting and I mean that in the best possible way, cause I like it that way, and I don’t have such a great imagination really, if it’s great then it’s not coherent enough for a novel.

And some of those views were from myself, I really like reading the stuff I write.

Hello!! Wonder what I’m gonna write about today? Wilson it’s about to resign on House and dr. House don’t know how to handle this because he is not in touch with his emotions which is remarkable for such an assertive man.

I suppose he got a very low EQ.

EQ is the emotional intelligence which I read on the cover of a magazine 1997 that it’s more important than your IQ (only having read the cover I don’t know exactly why that is but I’ve held it as true because I have a very high EQ (I *think*, again, I read only the cover)) so its conveniently aligned with my world view.

On the other hand, if dr. House had high EQ and low IQ, then he wouldn’t diagnose all these patients and people would die, and that’s what the show is about, sort of. (It’s also about YOLO)

But anyhow the moral of this episode (s05e01) is that you need at least a smidgeon of empathy to function in a group setting or else the whole thing shatters. And by thing I mean not only the group but Houses very foundation. We do all need to be loved.

If it were up to me, I probably would fire dr. House for being an asshole because I think they are enabling his bad behaviour by putting up with his bad attitude.

But that wouldn’t have made for a very long TV show, it’d be a show about a group of reasonably competent doctors who care about each other.

Nobody works probably watch such a show.

So I did sing karaoke for the first time in my life a few months back, it was in the summer at a party like, and probably it was the first time ever I sang out loud like that, and it was a dissapointment, cause I reckon it didnt sound as well when I do it with my mouth instead of in my head. In fact, I think it sounded awful (I am pretty sure). In my head I can do these things and the people they just love my voice, because inside of my head, in my imagination, I am a very good singer with a deep voice which does not at all resemble the voice I use when I speak, dont quite like how it sounds when I speak I dont like my voice, except like I said, in my head. In my head I can play all instruments especially the keytar but any other instrument really, and it sounds great.

Dont think I will try any instrument though because I dont know if I am well grounded enough to discover that I cant play. It is readonsble to believe it will be as bad as my singing voice, the non imaginay one, thst is.

Maybe I shouldnt let such trivial matters get in the way. Maybe you dont have to be good at something to do it. Maybe being bad is unavlidable when doing something you never done before, sure, but I reckon with 10_000 hours I would still have a very nasal (nonimaginary) voice, but anyway…

I cant write more on this now I have an imaginary gig in my head and the audience is getting redtless.

Oh man there are

More layoffs in the IT sector now but I shall try to ride out the storm as I have many a time now. I am a bulwark, I will keep my head cool as I always do, and I look into the future where I see a bright light of shining dark blue moon and the tide will turn again, if only I can manage till then, all will be fine.

Just do one line of Kotlin at a time, the days shall pass and into the future and the opportunities will open up again and I shall remember who laid people off and who kept them and that’s all I have to say about that stuff.

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