The happy place

This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original


I felt compelled to write about this new show I started watching a few weeks back; House.

Have you seen that one? I didn’t watch it back when it was new, because the television at that time was full of people acting like assholes and that was sort the hip thing, like Hell’s Kitchen or the talent shows when the jury would roast a 13 year old probably autistic kid with dreams about being a great artist and who was most likely bullied at school even before being displayed like some delusional freak for people to laugh at.

That sort of thing I found disgusting. disgusting probably isn’t strong enough a word but anyway.

Anyway, so I really enjoy this show, House, have you seen that one? there’s always a very dying patient who either dies or is cured when House gives the medicine and there are trade-offs and moral dilemmas, and should the patient do the abortion and some of the very clever dialogue I feel is seeping into my brain and making me smarter. In fact it does seem to work as I frequently nail the diagnosis even before House and I don’t even have no proper education.

It’s worth mentioning too that there’s some detective work going into this show also, where they gather clues by breaking into the patients homes and infer things from what appears to be pointless dialogue. Very clever.

Best I like the dr. Wilson. He is very handsome and such a nice guy that he is a voluntary friend of dr. House.

He reminds me a lot about me.

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