The happy place

This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Speaking of happy memories; one time when I was at my mums place with the family and I’ve must’ve had some bubble wine or something cause I was having a really great day surrounded by the people I love most in the world and the sun was shining outside like gold. When I went into the bathroom, just as I thought to myself that life couldn’t get no sweeter, before turning on the light I realised that my Amorphis hoodie which I’d bought at a concert some years prior (such a great band I’ve seen maybe four or five times), I realised that the print on the front was glowing in the dark! How cool is that?

Just wow!

For new year’s we’ll be drinking allot of bubble wine we just bought from systembolaget earlier today, and maybe we’ll do some moose steak or else reindeer, tbd, and that’s all I shall say in the matter.

I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions because I’m sort of a rebel. In fact I rock my socks every day; that everybody should rock their socks the same one particular day to “show that different is good”, I find that ironic.

That said, I ain’t got no problems with Down’s syndrome ((I rock my socks every day like I said), I even rock my crocs, man), but like I said whenever I want to cause I support downs every day; I support all good stuff every day and oppose all bad stuff everyday and therefore I wear whatever I find in my socks drawer.

I sometimes wear black socks cause I’m low key goth.

Anyhow, hope that next year gonna be better than these past years coloured by war disease and death and stuff (all of which I oppose strongly), especially death; man I love this life and death freaks me out like hell.

Anyhow, so garlic butter and some sort of meat and bubble wine is what I am for for new years.

Dear diary today I’vent done much but I’ll prepare some dinner for a lifelong friend it’s gonna be Bolognese or something. We used to hang out a lot when we were young and we’d do a bunch of fun stuff like building computers and playing RPGs also he got me into Linux and it felt so cool listening to Eternal Tears Of Sorrow on xmms on Linux but I never got the Ethernet adapter to work so I had to circle back and give Linux another try again when I had more experience. The feeling I remember strongly still. Also a fun anecdote is his computer case and insides were a bit wobbly cause the parts in there were fastened with max 1 screw and the side of it was missing.

But anyway anyhow he’s a philosopher too and we used to talk about something I don’t remember, something about the Matrix; it was a pretty mind blowing movie and it had some deep lessons in there like when agent Smith said to Neo that humanity was a cancer and stuff like that and something with the red pill and the blue pill.

One thing which does not make sense to me in the Matrix is that when they unplug they have to eat gruel but why they make life so miserable for themselves?, they could simulate a steak dinner and a bubble Bath using their computer but presumably they ain’t got battery enough or something so they do not wanna waste electricity or something, don’t know I am not convinced.

The brain contains a multitude of memories, some of them are glad and happy, strong enough to fuel the Patronus charm, and others are so sad and dark that you can’t even remember them, right?

But they all are valuable in their own ways and by writing them down we preserve them for the brain is a flakey storage device and even before you die, they can be corrupted or the “inode” is missing and the memory can’t be accessed and therefore I shall serialise some of them memories into this blog that I’m working on. Not only is it my legacy, but also in the name of science to benefit the cyber archeologists one thousand years from now, for we cannot know today what will be of interest to a scientist in 3023.

Today I imported a flu from Norway and my body has been dealing with it and I am making a swift recovery thanks to my outstanding immune system. Also I’ve felt gloomy and haven’t been able to accomplish anything. I’ll get a new chance to fail tomorrow.

Would that be interesting to know in one thousand years? Probably. Also this:

also a dream I had a few days ago: I lost left front tooth, the one which would’ve been a fang were I a vampire, it just came loose. (I dream about losing teeth a lot). Then to put it back the dentist said they’d have to drill a hole to fasten the new tooth with, and that’s when I realised it was a nightmare cause she wanted to drill a hole 30cm deep into my brain, so I woke up and all my teeth were where they are supposed to be so that was a big relief.

I’m a very happy man because I have so much going for me, people to love, people who love me, a big belly full of food, a big head full of wisdom. I’ve got the roof over my head and my eyes almost look the same way.

There ain’t nothing I’d trade this life for, except maybe exactly the same life but I am an half-elf and a wizard; a healer who can lay on hands to heal the sick and mend the broken and and resurrect the dead, or something.

Right now I can do these things only in my big head which will do.

It will do fine.

I’ve switched to using proton mail from gmail because I’m trying to value my privacy and it’s a very hard task cause there are websites spying on you, SaaS services using your “private” stuff to train LLMs, I added the quotes cause it’s on page 500 of some updated ToS that now they can use information about your genitalia and sexual orientation for personalised ads and stuff “share with partners”, so it’s not really private after all, probably it’s not even your stuff more or they co own it, and even the stuff you do pay for is spying on you like the Samsung TV with the Tizen wanna know if you are cool with them sharing stuff they know about you every time you power TV on, and when you say no they ask again. I put that one on the raspberry pi-Hole and it was close to 60% of DNS traffic for that one was for ad calls it’s absolutely nuts.

With all of them vultures snooping on all that you do online it’s absolutely absurd that the targeted ads you do get is of such bad quality, it’s just a bunch of shit they advertise for which I’ve no intention of buying.

You just put down what’s in the front of the brain and see what comes out. Maybe that’s a way to access what is hidden inside of your self. It’s by association you get access to the hidden treasure which is inside of you hidden and obscure. (Because the memories are tied together with some special kind of string). You might not like what you find in there but it is your duty to face it head on or you are doomed as a decent human being. And like I said it could also be a treasure.

One such treasure (of a memory) is when I was a young man and through some metamorphose I’d been transformed from an ugly duckling into a handsome young man who smoked cigarettes and suddenly people liked me and I don’t think I was prepared for that and maybe I handled it gracefully and maybe I didn’t, but ever since that time I’ve always in the back of my mind had an underlying sense of gratefulnesses. It’s been like that for decades, and I suppose it’ll be like that until I face some inevitable disaster, but I can’t worry about that now I am busy trying to seize the day.

Hey did to listen to that Apoptygma Berzerk album where he sings “you open your mouth and blood runs out, ”7” I believe that it’s called? I had that CD in my CD-player that year when I was young and we went to Egypt for vacation. I absolutely hated everything about Egypt except they had Apple Fanta which I quite enjoyed. Maybe we went to see some sphynx, and maybe we went on some boat, don’t quite remember.

They had an internet cafe called R@f R@f and they had apple fanta, and that’s all I can recommend Egypt for.

I don’t quite like travelling. I can travel from the comfort of my own home using imagination, and I feel that it is better in every way. (Then I can have the elf ears).

I’ve been thinking allot about the fact that for anything to work at all there are so many pieces need to fit that it’s nothing short of a miracle; even the body with all them organs need to function. Having seen five seasons of House M.D, I know how little it takes to make one organ fail after another (how come they work in the first place?). Being able to wake up each morning is that days small miracle, but there’s other stuff around us needs to work too, like to build a bus and fuel it and then have it work and at a reasonably reliable schedule is mind blowing. It blows my mind that that stuff could work it’s incredible.

A so I am very amazed by all of these thinks and ja it is humbling indeed!

I can’t wrap my head around all of these things and like I am not super smart, but surely even super smart people have this sense of awe?

I wouldn’t know

I know that I am thankful for all of them organs in my body performing their tasks and to make me such a successful human being, I’ll reward them worth some julöl Christmas beer now.

Tomorrow is Christmas, are you ready for that? Have you bought fidget spinners and DVDs and stuff like that? And made Jason’s temptation and crack (“knäck”) for all of the children to enjoy? A lot of people are having a lean Christmas this year cause of the recession in the economy and maybe all they can put on the table this year are boiled potatoes with the peel still on. Potatoes witch aren’t even peeled and then facing forward in time is the poorest month of the year. Poor cold, dark and long, with only a few potatoes with the peel still on in the stomach, we’re in for a tough time.

But there are literally some brighter times coming cause the days are getting longer and longer, and 2024 can’t be as bad as 2023. Just hang in there, don’t give up.

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