The happy place

This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Good evening ! This type of week with a day off in the middle is exemplary. A red day; the labour day: the very reddest of red days, suits me just fine.

Blood red.

I am feeling confidence now. I will dance to my own tune. I do not need to seek validation for my feelings from outside sources. I am not fazed so easily.

Feeling like a colossus both physically and mentally bodes well for the future.

I hope these feelings aren’t just from the bubble wine I had for dinner.

Anyhow I shall relish it now. Some days are good and others are bad.

It’s the yin yang.

I have started to re read that Joe Abercrombie triology “The First Law”, because it’s a good one and I like to be having something to look forward to at the end of each day so I’m doing that even though my life is rather too short to re read stuff as I am quite a slow reader and there are many books out there.

I also made a scientific discovery the other day about my allergies: I use to get headaches, sneezes and a cough a couple of times each month, and that would last for hours even if I medicate, basically more or less ruining that day, but if I go out for a jog, like a 5km run, like I did the other day, then that somehow triggers a hard reset of the sinuses and I get back to normal.

Some would say normal is an overstatement; I’ve never successfully been quite normal.

That makes me think about that song by “The Last Knife Fighter”,, “Ring Tailed Roarer Blues”:

So, don′t get me sane when I need change

Don't tell the reaper I′m in his range

Don't call me crazy when all I is is strange

Think TLKF has really some of the best lyrics I’ve ever seen about being a beat down cowboy.

Or in general too. It’s just really good. I think so.

Okay let’s now face this Tuesday with bravery !!

The weather is Monday weather all gray and rainy but I’m wearing shorts.

I’ve got a pair of Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones?l, but honestly they are not an upgrade to the XM3 I had before: they have no buttons, only some touch thing: you’re supposed to touch the headphones in various ways to make it do stuff like increasing volume or playing next song etc, and I was unable to learn how. Fortunately after a 600 page Eula, there is an app which can disable that shit.

Furthermore it has a “feature” which auto pauses them when I speak and since apparently I tend to talk to myself or sing along to the music it would pause all of the time.

Last but not least it would trigger some haptic warning that my volume is set too high by the iPhone, like I am a thrill seeking dangerous man, I don’t need my iPhone and headphones to treat me like some infantile wacko.

Speaking of iPhone, all of the time there comes in some dirty dust or something which makes them hard if not impossible to charge with that cable? I’ve had that happen to all of my iPhones I’ve ever had with the lightning cable socket? Am I just dirtier than average or what?

Pockets full of dirt maybe? Not that I thought of.

I think I’m done with apple and iPhone and OS X and in fact I’m installing visual studio right now.

I’ll become C# developer yet !!

Are you interested in time travelling? Would you like to go back in time to see if the dinosaurs had feathers or something?

I wouldn’t.

I wouldn’t travel back in time, because I’ve watched too much Star Trek, so I know about the risks involved when messing with the space time continuum.

The butterfly effect.

Plus I don’t want to get in trouble with the temporal police.

Actually I think that thought of the multiverse that it’d just fork off and the original time line would be intact, but I’m not 100% sure.

Plus I am not curious or adventitious enough about anything in the past to want go there, like there’s lots of diseases like TBC and the Pest and shit like that in the past. Poor dental hygiene, poor hygiene in general and short average life spans etc.

I don’t wanna go forward either: I see the trajectory from where I stand and it’s looking like we’re headed towards some dystopian science fiction I am not motivated to see up close.

That is a change I realise now because I used to think the future looked bright.

It’s here in this time and space I have my life and I don’t want to change anything except my job.

I will travel forward in time but in the standard pace which is usually not considered to be time travelling: one day at a time.

👋 hello hello

Thinking I should take a few days off. Thinking I should do something about my fear of heights. Like exposure therapy and everyday climb the scaffolding as high as I dare to and then add one step.

Thinking that it would be easier to have a few beers first to loosen up the nerves as alcohol does sometimes lend courage.

Then again I’m thinking probably that’s not a very good idea.

That’s all I’ve had the time to think about so far. The other stuff are mostly such thoughts I’ve thought before.

I’m like a record or even a song stuck on repeat.

I’m thinking that most ideas and thoughts people in general have (me included) are such things which more or less have been thought before in some shape or form.

It’s easier to live today: It doesn’t weight on me as much. It’s heavy some times but I’m incredibly strong and durable, a Cimmerian.

I listened to Scooter today.

Did it with the teacher  She was hot like Salsiccia  Chop chop  Yeah


I will make it through this life one day at a time, like a Salsiccia.

Chop chop


Woke up with mild headache.

It’s gone now.

I have zero interest in snyk kubernetes controllers installed via helm charts.

It’s about as interesting to me as listening to some drunk dude talking about how to breathe through a didgeridoo to make it sound consistently even while you inhale. It’s a special technique he said called ”circular breathing”.

Or as interesting as looking at some sort of sport. I have tried to care about sports, but it doesn’t work. I feel nothing.

Think I’m in the wrong line of work. On the other hand I don’t know what would be the right one.

I just want to be rich without going through so much effort, is that too much to ask for?

Better get started on my new book.

I’ve heard there are tools searching text (code) even faster than ag, “the silver searcher”, but I’ve never been in that big of a hurry, so I’ve not tried. I wouldn’t know.

It’s one of those doors which I’ll never open.

I shaved my beard. I do that when the moustache grows into my mouth. That’s the only grooming I ever do outside of jira.

Now I look like Barbapapa until it grows back.

I’m glad I’m not a fish. They don’t have an easy life: being predated on by bigger fish, no hands to scratch itches with etc, plastic bottles and micro plastics from fleece jackets everywhere.

Swimming in your own latrine everyday must take a toll on you sooner or later.

Every day is a struggle for survival for a fish.

The good thing is that you can move in three dimensions, but then a fish is still a downgrade from being a bird.

I suppose being a merman in the ocean could be OK.

I’d rather be a human though.

Rather than that I’d like to be an elf.

I once saw on TV or in a book or something of someone having a coffee machine in the bathroom, and it was obviously full of poo germs and laden with invisible feces molecules.

I would like to have a cappuccino machine. Fancy people drink cappuccino from the type of cup which is shaped like a half sphere with a tiny little ear you can’t even stick your pinkie finger through.

I don’t want a machine with pods of aluminium and that shit, that’s not right at all. It smells of vendor lock-in!! Of a coffee machine?? A real heavy one like the Italians have. Like a furniture utensil.

It’s not that I can’t afford one, I could buy me ten of them gaggia machines, it’s that I’ve got nowhere to put them, cause the kitchen is full of stuff already, and everywhere is full of stuff.

I shall have to run a deep defragmentation of my home to make it all fit, cause I’m not gonna do like that person, I don’t want a feces laden coffe maker.

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