The happy place

This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

Do you like hail? It’s a form of ice pellets raining from the sky, like gods hard ice fists indiscriminately beating everything from above.

It’s a doomsday weather if I ever seen one.


Today the ice pellets weren’t big like fists at all, but small like pearl sugar. Being sprinkled by pearl sugar whilst jogging, like I was today, is more like a celebration of confetti and about as far from being a doomsday as one might possibly come. The opposite, then: A boonsday!!

Hail is versatile.

When I saw Architects they had confetti raining down on the audience!!

Speaking of which, I sometimes listen to the piano reprise version of Doomsday and pretend it is I who play the piano and sing. I do that sometimes, the people (in my imagination) never knew I was such a good singer.

It‘s just such an amazing song that one, lyrics and singing is eerie and very haunting or something, hard to describe.

Ok that’s it for now!!

That was something seven of nine said to Harry Kim when they were out scanning nebulas for some reason I don’t remember. Probably a good one. But she said that the Borg value efficiency, not redundancy.

It’s the context of the thing too: it’s redundant to scan a nebula a fifth time, sure, so maybe don’t do that, but it’s also redundant to have two eyes, ears and noses.

Speaking of which, isn’t it strange that we have only one heart, albeit in my case a big one?

In a metaphorical sense I’ve given several of my hearts to my family and friends, but the big one I keep for myself, because I need it to live and I’m not sure whether I’ve got one several lives.

This all I thought of when I read my previous post (a good one).

Today woke me up at 05:45 or maybe 04:45. Not sure. Was some allergic reaction in left nose. Mayhap I am allergic to snot and sometimes it reaches some critical threshold and spirals out of control.

Not sure.

It’s not like I am a scientist or something; I have only the faintest idea of what’s going on in my life or the world around me.

I am given a certain amount of brain power and a certain amount of curiosity, and the sum total is nowhere near enough to gain a comprehensive enough understanding of things around me for me to make many definite statements.

That’s not to say that I am not grateful for the many gifts I have: two eyes, only one is lazy, two noses. Ok it’s only one nose, but it has two channels and only one of them is congested. I have also two knees, and only one is wobbly and tends to hop out of its place: The cap.

The brain is functioning too, and honestly it’s pretty powerful. Arguably.

But these are not my greatest gifts at all: I have a big heart and a high EQ.

If I may say so myself.

I may say so myself, because here I can put whatever stuff I want.

It doesn’t even have to be true.

Feeling like a caviar tube with only 10% left inside, I’m soon ready to retire for the day.

Retirement of my career on the other hand lies further away; somewhere in the distance; I cannot see it.

I’ve been thinking to add a few more skills just to have a fall back career, just in case, and computers do not have the same appeal to me as they once did, and I’ve laid all my eggs so far in that basket.


I have one more basket with a single egg and that’s my forklift license, but that’s probably rotten now, being so long ago and old and all.

I have one more basket with some hands I can paint, but that’s not the type of egg people will pay to see I think.

There is one more basket which is empty: that’s the book I’m about to write; the masterpiece.

That is likely to make me rich, if not I’ve also been thinking about welding. I think that could be fun.

It’s fucked up how things can sneak up on you until one day you cannot focus vision into one coherent picture, because the brain cannot consolidate the image from the right eye with the one from the left one, because it has finally become too lazy for the exercise, and thus you have become super lazy eyed.

Suddenly there are two TV:s instead of one no matter how much you squint, without being able to say when it began. At first the left eye went rouge only when drunk, then when drunk and/or tired, then finally when drunk and/or not drunk.

And/or tired/not tired.


Anyhow so this happened to me some year ago, but thanks to the miracle of modern science I’ve gotten very special prism glasses which compensate for the lazy eye, and forces the eyes and brains to cooperate with one another.

Now I got eagle vision.

The other option was surgery. I am not a fan of surgeries in general and the ones where they pluck the eye out of its socket in particular.

Later I learned that they don’t actually pull the eye out for that procedure, but by then I’d made my mind up already.

I’m much a fan of glasses in general.

They act like a pair of riot shields: I’ve had bugs and stones and other unpleasantries ricochet against the glass where they would’ve hit the eyeball had I not worn them.

My father has the same situation if not worse with his eyes: My aunt has this anecdote where once they were in a car and there was this thick fog outside and the vision was very limited and my father was driving. My aunt said (worriedly): “you can barely see the road”, to which my father answered: “Don’t worry, I see two”.

That’s a good one.

Feels like I’m on fire with the blogging lately; last couple of posts have been really profound and really really good.

Intelligence. 👌

The bar is heightened and I’m not sure I’ll be able to top my weather posts, likely they were the peak and I’m hopeful you’ll join me in the downhill journey towards rock bottom!!

Isn’t the weather in spring and autumn ideal? It’s warm but nobody is pestering you about swimming or laying in the sun, I’m more of a goth (but not a vampire); I like to be obscured by shadows, and my element of choice is the moon.

It’s not an element really, the moon, but that is beside the point which is that I’m more of a moon worshiper than a sun worshipper. Of course the sun is what makes the moon shine so I am a sun worshipper by proxy, but that’s also besides the point.

A tinge of darkness is what makes me such a complex and interesting person.

I’ll make myself as the archetype for my protagonist in my books; a vampire bitten half-elf paladin who has claustrophobia about the casket and who is lawful good but forced to evil deeds by the vampire urge to kill. With frog hands from the consistent rainfall. And one of them velvet top hats on the silver steel blonde long flowing hair. And a cane with a sword hidden inside.

A rather handsome figure with elf ears.

I’m such a boring guy that every other post on my blog is about the weather.

We got a weather station not far from where we live and it’s a mighty fenced in construction of steel with propellers and shit of the type which looked hi-tech in the eighties.

It was unfortunately deemed an unfit location for a pokestop.

That’s the problem with Pokémon GO in rural areas that often the stops and gyms are few and far apart.

So yeah that’s not so much fun anyway, the Pokémon GO. It’s a shallow game, and it’s illogical that when you trade a Pokémon, it gets new stats, like why? And that you can reach level 40 without catching a single Pokémon, what’s up with that?

There are far more interesting things to do besides playing Pokémon GO.

One could for example write about the weather.

It’s mild and warm outside. Today the sun shone on me and I could feel it filling me up with vitamin-D somehow.

Much like a flower I blossom in this climate and feel more optimistic about the future and basically everything.

I’m sure the flowers feel the same way right now, and the trees: ready to ejaculate all of the nutrients stored in the roots into their crowns and resurrect like green Jesuses.

The bears come out of their dens and the snakes do too, and the vermin.

All hungry.

The roe deers who have been circulating in large hungry groups around my house all winter have more to eat already and they are beautiful and graceful with their white asses as they carelessly hop over the roads without a thought of traffic safety, much caught up in the moment.

This is great, we can bid farewell to the deadly winter and welcome the also very dangerous summer.

I am not looking forward to being buried.

It’s the one situation like I imagine waking up inside of the casket, cause I wasn’t really dead after all, like somebody made a mistake and I’m buried alive like in kill Bill. That would not be fun at all, better then to get cremated so you are 100% dead and then it don’t matter.

To be a vampire must be such a terrible experience with the sleeping every day inside of a coffin or a casket. That does not sit well with me at all. What if somebody seals the whole thing in concrete and sinks it in the Atlantic Ocean or something?

Then what?

Mayhap I’ll write something about that in my book. Maybe some medieval fantasy gothic horror setting with vampires and stuff. I’ll try to put everything people like in a book like the Harry Potter: mystery, magic, romance, poor people getting even, high school drama, romance, horror, etc except I wont have quidditch in my book. Wasn’t the first like 11% of Phoenix order about quidditch?

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