This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original
I’m on the train. There’s darkness deep blue not black out the window, and sometimes there are brilliant flashes of light that’s got to do with that power line overhead somehow sending sparks.
I’m listening to that „Ghost“ track off Jon Schaffers’ favourites playlist, „Genesis“. It’s a good one. The Witcher or der Hexer book I’ve put down for now. I can see why these books are so popular.
When I woke up this morning I was clueless. Didn’t know what day it was or why I was waking up etc, which all was very unsettling, but soon I came to my senses and now I’m on the train.
Is on my way to the office but again I’ve forgotten my access fob and frankly speaking I’ve no clue where it is.
I’ve got too many keys and passwords and 2FA it’s like I’ve given up in that regard and they keep rotating them and even the password managers’ passwords are put into other password managers with 2FA.
I watched this anime with my daughter, dang dang rumpa or some shit like that, and the guy there he said that “being positive is the only thing I’ve got going for me” and I found that very funny.
Should I write about the moon? Yes: like a week of brilliant full moon evenings, nights and mornings it’s significant.
I'm not asleep. The unwinding failed. Just as I were almost sleeping I might've dreamed I thought that I was slipping on ice and jolted to a wide awake state. (It's caused by the full moon today which lay partially hidden behind some black gray clouds. An awesome sight.)
I'm now thinking about the dream I had with the foldable car (which looked like a mix of a car from downtown abbey and a modern car). It disappointed me I think because whenever I was young and was looking for a parking spot I had this fantasy of a car which could be folded into a suitcase. Instead the problem solved itself as I moved to a rural area. But still it was a disappointment nonetheless.
The ugly hen is indeed ugly. It's fascinating how rich personalities these chickens have. One of the turkeys she used to nibble at the others’ feathers and that's how come the ugly one got uglier: she looks ready for the oven. (She's (the turkey) stopped with the nibbling, which wasn't due to protein deficiency as she is the beautiful one with ice cream white coat). That's not what makes the ugly hen ugly either. Not primarily: She and her sister used to be outcasts: They would roost all day and night at the neighbours’ from fear as they were never integrated to the flock there (they were attacked on sight) and so we brought them home. One would think such trauma would create a sense of humility and understanding but she was the meanest to the two hatchlings (unless you count the one beautiful lesbian turkey “the angel maker” who literally tried to kill them). It's an outlet for some people and chickens that: to just pass the trauma on, or if you choose the path of light (which I try to do) you try to break the circle ❤️, by eating the red pill so to speak, or more accurately to walk the narrow path. Anyhow that's why she's ugly I think. Of course she's got good sides too. Chickens are complex like that.
Finally I got a new shot at that code test and made a pretty clever solution I think. That's a funny reflection that some days, my brain seems unable to compute the most trivial tasks, like there's a soft lockup in there or something. Other days I feel like a mental Bazooka. Just look at this post for example.
Hello !!
The moon shone big and yellow and moreover it was triple the usual size.
This happened a few days back but I’ve not written about it until now because I’ve not had anything else to write about.
I’ve had too much up in the head and have been absent minded. I shut the night light for the therapists my chickens and closed them in automatically so I went back later and it was already dark in there and closed. I’d already done that. Like an automaton. I counted thirteen feathered beasts. They are all beautiful (except one).
thirteen is an ominous number indeed.
Thirteen chickens, giant moon. It’s some cause for unease which might serve to explain my absent mindedness, being as I am and have said before attuned to the moon and the spiritual realm and such like.
Headache Sunday, the apples were brown inside. However, the moon shone full and bright like a night lamp out there! Out there, the air was and is fresh, but cold. A bone chilling cold which you die in for sure if you lose consciousness out there for some reason, maybe from a falling tree branch or a brown apple which knocks you out or something.
I’ve been experimenting with some alternative career paths and there was this test where basically you should count adjacent nodes on a grid etc, but I got some type of brain fart, maybe cause of a time aspect and it didn’t turn out very well. There was this show on the TV when I was a child, on there a guy he was going to paint some graffiti on his girlfriend’s wall in her room, but it turned out very badly, looked like shit. He said it was because of the cap. The cap I presume from the spray can, but I’m not sure as I’ve only used such colours to paint my 486 PC gold when I was young. He must’ve felt some similar pressure or something, I think, and now it’s sort of stuck up there, in the head; How I should’ve done it differently and neater. And most of all that it’s not at all a very complex problem.
Now it’s stuck in the brain compartment of embarrassing and/or unpleasant memories and failures which surface when you least expect them, sending a shiver through the system.
I had an interesting dream which is not very clear unfortunately. It was something with high (as in on high altitude like in a tree or a mountain) colourful buildings like huts and people living in there and there were superpowers and people could fly. The flying people were also colourful and smaller with proportions like from a cartoon but still serious, and I punched holes in the wall to create windows and it was some adventure aspect and when I woke up I wanted to go back to sleep to continue dreaming but there was a nonspecific scary aspect to the dream with something with mandibles which I think is from the Witcher book spilling into my dream.
Compared to that, the day was rather bland if not unpleasant.
And the little dog bites me.
haven’t been able to write really because I’ve been watching downtown abbey and of course this taught and teaches me a lot about the aristocracy. Like how useless they were, can’t do nothing without a servant? Don’t do nothing useful just having tea, arranging bazaars and picnics. And yet also aloof. It’s an interesting contrast with a strong dissonance between their perception of reality and reality itself which teaches a valuable lesson I think.
America didn’t have much of an aristocracy in the same sense, not like in Europe, but instead I’ve seen or heard about some people of fine breed who spend all day clueless but still expecting to be obeyed filling out useless blueprints in confluence.
Anyhow enough about that can’t write more now, his lordship is disappointed with (can’t say won’t spoil) who has taken a (presumably) romantic interest in a mere school teacher far below his station!!
That much is not to spoil I think; his lordship is disappointed at something in every episode.
I dreamt that we were going out into the night in a big city to go to a pub or a bar. I was with a friend and we were going to meet up with some people including my mum and my sister, and as my friend was talking to one of them to arrange where to meet, as he or she was hanging up, they mentioned another place in a different part of town, thereby creating an ambiguity.
We went by subway to one of the places. It was dark outside and wet. The bar where we were going to meet up looked cave like as if it’d been blasted out of the rock and had a yellowish paint in the ceiling.
They weren’t there.
As I bent over to talk to someone at the table next to us, I hit my head on a recess in the yellowish rock like ceiling and when I looked back to where my friend used to sit, he or she was no longer there.
I was alone.
Then I woke up real quick for a toilet break from the dreaming.
The next dream w was that we had four cars. One of them could be folded so as to take up less space.
It was a slight disappointment when walking up to realise that the foldable car didn’t really exist.
It feels a little bit better today, because I went for a run, but not good.
There were only a handful of stars up there in the dark blue sunset, but the snow was glittering like in a fairy tale. I didn’t see the moon.
The new little dog is very small and very black. Sometimes the whites around his pupils are visible in his wonky little eyes. He looks like a stuffed toy bear or a bat. He’s got teeth like staples and he bites my nose.
Bella; the big small dog, she can tolerate the puppy. That’s all one can ask for at this point because although cut, he is also annoying.
I’m solving crossword puzzles. I’m doing it with a permanent ballpoint pen. That’s how confident I am.
We are on the way home again. Already there are some traces of snow again. It thickens as we drive north. The feeling of rightness increases with the snow.
We are picking the little dog up along the way.
It’s been hard to sleep lately, and for some reason waking up has been a disappointment. Though I love life. I know I ought to be thankful, which I am.
Mother in law’s boyfriend went along for Christmas. He is hunch backed like Quasimodo, has a thin black moustache, black mop of hair and black clothes. He mumbles to himself non stop and overall is a strange man which normally I’d appreciate, but he is strange also in a bad way; He likes to show pictures which he takes covertly with his iPhone in the grocery store or other such places of people who look funny to him, for example if they are obese or he think they are ugly. He’s collecting some sort of freak show in his phone, which he shows like a compulsion or something, because it’s not like he’s encouraged. Maybe he relishes the reactions he provokes or something, who knows?
After having complained non stop for a while about the movie we were watching he fell asleep. I got a sense of Deja vu then, because he complained about exactly the same things on exactly the same places last Christmas too when we were watching exactly the same film. Enchanted.
When he fell asleep we were joking that we should take pictures of him and show people to see how he liked that, because he’d taken pictures of a sleeping woman on the train on the way to us which he insisted on showing. He didn’t appreciate that and said to my daughter who is twelve that she is mean just like her mother (my wife (even though she picked the fucker up from the train station)). Then, sensing that he’d crossed the line he went to his room and there he stayed until 15:30 the following day.
With him gone, finally I started enjoying Christmas.
If I can help it, next year I’ll do Christmas without him.
I reckon now is the best time of the Christmas; all of the stuff is done/ the food, the fetching of relatives from the train station, the cleaning and even the eating is done. The dish is mostly put into the dishwasher, the Christmas wrappings are in a big plastic bag and the small children are sleeping.
Now is just the pleasant feeling of being among loved ones and watching TV. The feeling of not having to do anything in particular and the warmth of kindness and the contentment of being well fed.
Speaking of the gap toothed goth, she was always unpleasant to spend time with. We used to do that every Christmas, even though she and I kept our interactions to a minimum because we were incompatible. Once when we were young, before she was goth and gap toothed and when we were very young, maybe ten, she sat on the metallic bucket of cheese doodles and farted loudly, sound amplified by the bucket, just to make them inedible for the rest of us.