Dark empath

All right the new Sonata Arctica was released today, “clear cold beyond

I’ve only heard some of the singles they’re GREAT so I’ll look forward to listening to that album.

Sonata is a prime example of how awesome Finland is. I’ve been there a number of times, and it’s been cold, but like they make so much awesome music in Finland that is extraordinary.

The new album’s got this single: “Dark Empath”, which is really great and it’s about a dark empath: someone who feel no human emotions, but who can simulate them and can read them in others and thereby manipulate people for dark and questionable purposes. It’s a bit of a misnomer then, as these persons has no empathy at all.

I’ve encountered such persons and as an empath they are natural enemies to me, like I assume a Sith is to a Jedi (I’m not much into Star Wars, being a Trekkie primarily).

Anyhow anyways please enjoy this weekend!!