The happy place

This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original

I saw it on the Internet; speculations that Uruk-hai were made from elves tortured for centuries.

That’s some dark shit, that is. Makes me wanna wallow in elf pity.


Anyhow it is Friday and the spirits are high the indicators are all on green and it’s likely to be a fine week end. Maybe I’ll even open up a bottle of bubble wine to celebrate that against all odds, I am alive. (Probability of even being born is very close to 0)

This made me think of something; we were at the premiere of the HP proliant G6 server launch event, must’ve been 2009 and they said they’d have an exciting world premiere, but it was only the worlds (at the time) strongest man, dancing with his wife (I think he’d won Let’s dance show or something), so that was I found it very anticlimactic cause why would I wanna see that? but also at the same time very funny indeed.


There’ve been a lot of thoughts on my mind about the dangers out there, and the freak accidents and that you can be struck dead by lightning or sudden inner organ failure of some sort.

I think this song by Depeche Mode, Fly on the windscreen is one of the best lyrics ever made.

Death is everywhere There are flies on the windscreen For a start Reminding us We could be torn apart Tonight

I have yet to see such powerful lyrics in any song, maybe the Meat loaf one I wrote about earlier comes close, and there’s one by Manowar too: Heart of steel. Heart of steel is a track I listen to when I am going through some shit which I have to see it through.

Anyhow I’ll think of somethign better to write about tomorrow,

Did you know that the iPhone swipe keyboard has a ios3 cuss filter, which prevents you from swiping “fuck” and a lot of other things too. Iphones treating people like children, and “Smart” TV:s peddling your personal information to highest bidder, ads in the Start menu, and this is for stuff you’ve paid for, is this the future we were hoping for?

I guess that’s one of the reason I use Linux, it’s an operating system for grown ups. It lets you delete system files, you can remove the kernel, glibc and systemd, and it will break, and in that sense it’s just like real life; There’s noone stopping you from doing stupid things (in general the police will stop you if you are a criminal, but if you want to drill a hole right into your sewer pipe, go ahead). Some operating systems have opinions on even which web browser you like, it’s a very strange development. Windows peaked with xp, and have been constantly providing a terribler user expirience.

I ain’t got no guilty pleasures; I’m proud to take pleasure in whatever I do like, and I don’t feel no need to justify my taste in anything to anyone.

And you shouldn’t neither!!

(…Only exception I guess is if it’s something which would put you in jail or the like, but I think that’s stretching the definition a bit.)

Was in Belgium once, had this client who was an absolute prick, he would act real condescending, each morning he’d make me wait in the lobby for 20 minutes before letting me in. He smelled bad and didn’t seem to change clothes. (Fun fact that you could smell him looking over your shoulder) Another guy there smoked giant packs of cigarettes and called me weird after I ordered a sandwich with tuna and cheese off the canteen (don’t know if that’s what prompted his reaction (tuna and cheese sandwiches aren’t weird as far as I know), it might also have been the fact that actually am weird). I just said the same thing I did when my driving instructor called me feminine for not being able to tell left from right: “Thank you”. I learned that from a book, Joe Abercrombie book, not sure which one (I really like his books especially The First Law triology and The Age of madness triology and the Shattered sea triology). Something along the line of “take everything as a compliment and you can never be offended”.

Anyhow I would fly from town to town and do some stuff at some various client sites and then go sit by myself alone at some hotel or eat dinner alone at some restaurant and the tears would drip onto the Norwegian pizza and I’d read some book alone by myself. I don’t like being alone. I don’t like it at all. I don’t need to spend time talking to people, I’m more like a dog: I just like having people I like near me without necessarily interacting with them so much.

Another problem with travelling I had was that I don’t like travelling; I don’t like flying, I don’t like Hotels, and I don’t like seeing new places.

It was after seeing the 1998 movie Six days seven nights that I made up my mind to quit. Have you seen that one? About a retired pilot Harrison Ford who agrees to fly this very successful beautiful business woman Anne Heche in his beat down small plane to some important business meeting, but they crash somewhere halfway there on some small island where pirates appear and they are all stuck for Im guessing six days and seven nights. And well she is very stressed about missing the meeting until she takes a moment to stop and do some soul searching, like what if there are things more important than having a career, what if happiness is in your reach if you just slow down and look at what’s right in front of you (in her case it was Harrison Ford). It was exactly the same for me I realised from my couch (I was at home when I saw it)

One of them managers said to me that I’m making a mistake by quitting to be at home more, focusing on family, he said that he did travel a lot and that when he is at home, It’s a special occasion and everybody is very excited to see him.

I do like that but other way around today: I work from home and spend time with my family, and when I go to visit the office, everybody is very excited to see me.

Hello!! Are you wondering why I haven’t written in a while (1+ days), it’s because I’ve had the crushing feeling of Sunday blues: thoughts on paperwork, taxes and work were in my head, which is a damn shame, because I want to have fun thoughts up there!!!

I’m straightening all of the shit out, but new shit keeps pouring in and it’ll be a while still before I can plug the shit holes in my head and enjoy life more.

I guess this is part of the deal when you are grown up. (Don’t remember signing up for being an adult)

Ok can’t write more about this now for I gotta play computer games.

The people you hold dearest are those who can hurt you the most and that’s why if someone treats your friends badly you must speak up, cause your silence hurts more than any mean words from any antagonist can ever do.

That’s what I remember growing up: not the mean words or actions from my bullies, but the silence of those I thought were my friends.

k so keep it real we can’t always live up to our own expectations, but never should we stop trying.



From time to time you stumble across fantastic gems, it cold be music, it could be something you read or a bright idea popping up in your head, some funny scene you saw or even some TV show or a film or suchlike.

These things if you tell someone else about it they might scoff or only slightly enjoy it and that’s cause it’s like I think they run a different operating system in their brains (that’s how I think about it), and the stuff doesn’t run as good/the same way in their brains as they do in yours.

I think that’s especially true in books who are just written instructions to be parsed by and projected in the brain. I like to think that half of the book is brought by its author as written instructions and the other half is the interpretation your brain translates those instructions to and the feelings and thoughts that evokes in you.

I think that’s why there are so many heated discussions on goodreads; some people get very offended (and rightly so maybe) about some of the bad reviews of the books they love (like Moby Dick), and in a sense I think it’s cause they are only reading the same book to 50%.

Also another observation is you can’t find none of the classics which hasn’t got a bunch of one star reviews over there in goodreads.

There’s no special point I wanted to make here I guess, just that if I like something then it’s good and that’s all there is to it. Others have no obligation to feel the way I do.

but if they don’t then they suck!


Yep back from vacation. Middle of the winter. it’s cold and dark and with the very cold snow it looks like someone poured glitter all over it outside and it’s beautiful but dangerous.

It’s deadly.

It’s very dangerous to drive the car (in general this is true, especially true on these ice roads), it’s very dangerous to be stuck outside and some animals have it scarce cause unless you eat snow, there ain’t nothing edible in sight. I think death is closer to us now during the cold dark winter.

A good survival strategy for many is to hibernate during winter.

But summer could be dangerous too. Heat waves or otherwise potent weather for some disease riddled and/or poisonous animals and so forth.

Everything is very dangerous, and for someone who loves life as much as I do, it’s very exhausting when you see and feel all these dangerous things. It’s also very gratifying the knowledge that none of these things’ve killed me yet.

Anyhow we made it one more year and if that ain’t worth celebrating, then nothing is.


I really love Placebo and it’s one of my absolute favourite music bands in the world and I do listen to A LOT of music.

Of all of the singers singing through the nose, by far Brian Moloko is my favourite one!! It’s my favourite kind of pop. The music is awesome! Some of the lyrics is great too, like, his computer thinks he’s gay and one million pieces and beautiful James is both of great song and I appreciate there’s some sort of humour in there: go to Sweden in the back of a cab. I really like this music, it speaks to me in ways I can’t quite put into words. It’s like something that just feels 100% right and makes me want to cry and/or smile.

I check every twice a week to see if that MTV unplugged album is back on Spotify or not, cause it’s one of my favourite albums, but it’s never back (in Europe at least), but there’s other stuff in there which is indeed great!!

Ok thanks for reading and have it so nice man🫶!!

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