Hey I am writing this from my Linux hacker station. I am pretty happy with the setup, and it’s OK with the GNOME3. Pretty slick actually. It’s not that I have a strong passion for computers or fiddling around, configuring LUKS and whatnot, like I used to really enjoy. That part of me which used to have such a passion for the Computer has withered and died, and to think that was my primary interesst? Now they operating systems and programs annoy me, and the choice of Linux is because it almost doesn’t annoy me at al, at least not Manjaro.
That’s some food for thought: that which used to be my primary interest now only is sligthly more interesting to me that sports.
Windows does infuriate me and it feels like a punishment for something to be using it for work. Mayhap I could deduct my time spent running Windows OS from my period in Purgatory. Surely having a guided tour in MS Teams can be counted as a mini trip to Hell, ?!!
Anyhow I have been weirdly tired, as if my whole body has been screaming for me to hibernate. Like it is very much against my human nature to be awake in the cold and in the darkness, but the norms of society and the burden of responsibilities and whatnot does prevent me from checking out for 5 months or so.
I think partially the tiredness comes from the fact that I haven’t seen the moon in some time. There have been stars and stuff, the usual stars, the northern star and Orion’s belt and ja the whole bunch, but no moon!!
It’s strange how freaked out I am about the thought of dying, considering how much I do enjoy sleeping.
Speaking of which, it’s funny to me how archeologists and historians draw intricate conclusions from very small things, like if they find a padlock in a grave, then they surmise that the whole area used to be a vampire graveyard, and they have vivid descriptions of what might’ve transpired there. Could’ve been someone just dropped it in there by mistake, like I lost my Sony XM3 headphones somewhere when I was at my old job last year.
I’ll write some super interesting stuff soon I have some really interesiting ideas which will be some of my finest posts yet.