Update on vacation

Yesterday the family of my sister’s left for home after a one week visit and it was a very fine vacation time with many fine memories created such as the one I described in my last post about the fishing. Others were when they all loved the pizzas I made for them when they were in some „adventure“ bath house which is to me a glimpse of what hell might be like: high volume noise and people everywhere, wet and with an odour of French fries mingled with chlorine in the suffocatingly damp air. Nowhere to hide. That I didn’t have to participate was a great highlight of the week.

After they’d gone, I felt that I’d spent my whole social account leaving me on a slight negative energy level which normally would’ve been restored to normal by now, had this visit not immediately been followed by my aunt’s and her husband’s.

My aunt has a high appetite for social interactions and a low appetite for food. Crazy about card games but unable to remember what is trump and who is playing with who. When she eats lunch, she starts with the coffee and dessert and then goes for the main course, all of which she leaves two thirds of. That’s only a few of all the oddities about her. She is one of the kindest persons I know.

Furthermore my friend from back in school texted me just now, wanting to come visit as we haven’t met in many years, more than a decade, and I said yes but now I feel a slight dread mingled into the anticipation, apprehensipation maybe, because even though I really am thankful that there are many people who want to spend time with me, it’s draining my energy reservoir and also takes time off of other stuff such like that which I aim to build.

It’s just a great thing to keep in mind that there are those who travel far and go through many hoops just to see me and my family and that’s really something to think about in fifty years. A precious gift.

However: I usually prefer to have people around me in such a way that I can remain in the background, listening to them having a good time. Like a dog.

I had some really intelligent thought in my head, like a reflection about this here, the yin yang of it or something, but it slipped my mind, likely due to the low energy levels.