This was meant to be a daily update but ended up looking like a rant against kubernetes, but that was never my intention. I’m suret there will come aday when I once again love that onez

Feeling really exhausted. It feels like I’ve been painting planks for ten hours straight or something.

When kubernetes was new 2016 it had PetSets but it has been replaced by StatefulSets since then but anyhow I like the pet name better but I would NEVER deploy my dog in kubernetes.

Fact is I’ve had it up to here (really high) with kubernetes and deployments and yaml files nested in yaml files so indented that I need to horizontally scroll even though I’ve got a big screen.

Like a real big curved one.

The manifests are like many of them and it’s enough that one of them has a blank space too much or a template.spec in the wrong place and it won’t compute. Or worse yet: you’ve put the special annotation on the wrong block, or there’s a type-o, so whichever controller won’t pick it up, the magical spell didn’t work and nothing happens, you don’t get your SSL cert or whatever (you wait in vain).

Don’t get me started on kustomize: I get very triggered when thinking on that one.

I feeling the cognitive load too much. So much so that were I a k8s deployment, I would’ve been shot dead long time ago by the OOM killer and then deployed anew. Think that’s my fate if I go to hell when I die.

To exit 137 in a crash loop forever.