On this and that

I’m eating ice cream on a Monday! Who’s gonna tell me not to?

l am mysterious!

Soon I will do something about my bad posture and walk tall, but I keep hitting my head on account of my formidable body length; I don’t fly often because my legs are not of optimal length for flying, but rather I have to fold myself like some origami bird and even then I spill over onto neighbouring seats for which someone else has paid.

And same in the car; many cars feel to me like go carts or something, as I drive them with my knees folded outwards like a monkey.

The slouch of mine is a remnant of my past, when I wanted to shrink to nothing.

I don’t like driving or flying, but I like going by train, which I’ll do tomorrow.

Gentlemen always prefer to take the train when possible. when not; the steam boat.

I’ve been talking to my friend who is a gentleman just like me, been suggesting he should have a cane with a gilded wolf head for the pommel, and hidden inside: a sword.

We used to have that when I was a child, a cane with a hidden sword in it and I always thought that was both clever and practical and appropriate attire for a gentleman of certain station.

There was something important which I wanted to write just now, but instead my mind started wandering so I wrote a bunch of crap. I forgot what I wanted to write.

I’ll try again tomorrow. Maybe from the train.