On Fergie

Hey have you heard Fergie? She used to be a Black Eyed Pea together with, one of my coworkers when I was working in the postal service called him; “White Left John”. He’d burned some CD:s with “White Left John”, My coworker; He was an audiophile who also liked “Telefon Tel Aviv” and he must’ve been twice my age so late 40s or early 50s at the time. He had glasses and a rich gray/white beard. Generally sans the glasses he had a wildling type of look, you know from Game of Thrones. An interesting person for sure. A good one. Had one of them big cases for CD:s: black one with pages and a zipper, size of a telephone catalog. You know?

Anyhow, so Fergie: I used to have this “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” track as a ring tone for the on call alarm signal. The default one still increases my pulse when I hear it, the big dread comes for a brief visit. That’s unhealthy. So as a counter measure I had this very strong positive track in there, so instead of a feeling of unease, a more of a fighting spirit type of feeling wakes me up. Also, it’s got a double negative in the title and generally one is to interpret a double negative in such a context as if it were only a single negative, yet there’s still the ambiguity which I think is very effect full, because people do die from partying.

Very interesting. Also what’s interesting is I don’t know if I like the track or if I hate it.

I know the answer at least is yes.

Ok that just some thoughts which came so I write ✍️ it down for this is my legacy.