Nothing interesting in this post unfortunately

For new year’s we’ll be drinking allot of bubble wine we just bought from systembolaget earlier today, and maybe we’ll do some moose steak or else reindeer, tbd, and that’s all I shall say in the matter.

I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions because I’m sort of a rebel. In fact I rock my socks every day; that everybody should rock their socks the same one particular day to “show that different is good”, I find that ironic.

That said, I ain’t got no problems with Down’s syndrome ((I rock my socks every day like I said), I even rock my crocs, man), but like I said whenever I want to cause I support downs every day; I support all good stuff every day and oppose all bad stuff everyday and therefore I wear whatever I find in my socks drawer.

I sometimes wear black socks cause I’m low key goth.

Anyhow, hope that next year gonna be better than these past years coloured by war disease and death and stuff (all of which I oppose strongly), especially death; man I love this life and death freaks me out like hell.

Anyhow, so garlic butter and some sort of meat and bubble wine is what I am for for new years.