No sleep

I didn’t sleep this night, but I’m alive.

I did try, but first I got some asthma coughs which woke me up like a fancy type of reminder to take the medicine. Furthermore my wife was snoring in such a way that it sounded just like the cat wanted out. But there was no cat when I got down to see, instead I saw that it was bright outside.

The beginning of a nice day.

Then finally a few hours later indeed the cat did want to go out and it sounded just like it did before.


Now instead of sleeping I’m thinking about a lot of stuff like I’m thinking about all of the stuff at the same time again. Happy thoughts mingled with worries and sad ones like a mix of so many different things, more like a sausage than a fruit salad.

Anyhow I’ve not much more to say; no great revelations or profound wisdoms to share unfortunately.

Now I’ll go try again to sleep, with the birds chirping and all of the bright light everywhere and the head I am not too sure I’ll succeed.

Probably I’ll fall asleep sooner or later