My dog

Sometimes the dog is driving me crazy with her barking, it’s got a very high pitch like tinnitus high.

She sitting 30 cm from my ears barking at the top of her lungs at some noise from the TV; Maybe a car or a doorbell or whatever. For such a small dog she has a remarkably loud high pitched bark.

Sometimes she gets up in the middle of the night to investigate some sound or something out in the kitchen, or maybe she’s thirsty, and when she is done she returns at the foot of the bed barking in what she considers to be a gentle tone, like half high, until someone wakes up, cause she wants to be lifted back onto bed even though we’ve put a cushion like object for her to use as a ramp. Presumably the darkness makes it hard for her to plan the sequence of jumps needed to get back up, so she barks instead.

She likes riding in the car, likes looking out the window and she couldn’t care less where we’re going, and if she sees something interesting through the window she likes to bark at it very annoyingly. It might be another dog or a human with a dog or a horse or a human on a horse, or some new trash can which doesn’t usually stand there.

I love my dog.