My best post yet.


Here is my brain: there’s a bridge. A bridge made of marble or something fancy like.

I sit there with my fishing rod, or other type of similar equipment, in the middle on a blanket, feet dangling, and I dredge down there for treasure, in the deep under the bridge.

I picture a big bright yellow sun shining down with vitamin D.

Usually there’s a crystal clear stream down there: Even though it’s very deep (obviosly), stilll one can see the glimmer at the bottom in some places. The gold and diamond shine of treasure and suchlike. Also beautiful fishes swimming everywhere: there are the salmons and pike (but no tropical fish), oysters and shrimps, and they are even more beautiful to behold and even more glimmering than the gold and the diamonds. Some places have always been dark and there I don’t fish. Never have, never will. Frankly don’t think I can.

But alas, lately there’s been a flood of sewer water down there, obstructing the view where I sit, a pungent smell of excrement rises to my nose and makes my eyes water. I fish and fish but only shit comes up, and dead contaminated sewer rats.

The thing is, thing is indeed, that I am not quite capable at describing that which I see in my net. I am not sure. The shit.

I guess what to do is dredge that and sift through and then see what is what, and also there could be a perl in there. I am pretty sure that there is a perl of wisdom somewhere amoung all of that shit.