Memento Mori

I sometimes get the feeling I’m about to get struck dead by lightning. It’s when I’m in my home cooking in the kitchen. It doesn’t make no sense but it’s like this from time to time. Like some bad omen.

There’re some horrors out there waiting for you for which I have no clue how to adequately prepare. Best thing you can do is try to hold on to what you got and always rise again when life deals you a hard blow and try to make things right: don’t leave no words unspoken, no deed undone and make amends and all that. Don’t part ways in bad terms with people you love.

Also ensure that the people you love know this.

I try to do all of these things because I think a lot about death and it scares me a lot.

A lot.

Memento Mori by Kamelot is a great track.

Memento Mori by Architects is a great track.

Speaking of which, I’ll see them (Architects) soon like in a couple of days.

Ok look forward to seeing about my next post!! It’s gonna be the best one yet!

Take care in the meantime.