Intelligent post about various smart things i read in books

I just saw that film about Elton John a few months ago. Did you know he was gay?

The circle of life song from lion king I really liked as child. A friend at the time (a peasant) had that one on CD. He also had an Amiga with Golden Axe. He said dwarves are ten times stronger than humans and we had an argument when he said wrestling wasn’t real and I didn’t wanna realise this. It can shatter your world view; the very Fundaments upon which you base your understanding of the world around you can be shattered like that and then you must seek to put the bases elsewhere. To try again to rebuild.

Joe Abercrombie writes in some book I don’t remember which one about facing harsh truths and that you cannot avoid that; you must realise those things in order to grow you cannot live in denial.

One of my favourite authors he is. I also enjoyed the count of Monte Christo a great deal indeed. Books don’t have to be boring I mean with so many books on this earth it makes sense to read the ones you like first.