I’m too young to feel this old.

I’ve been in a dark mood since these layoffs yesterday, thinking about whether my next move is to move on as well, I guess at least it’s time to power on the radars and long range sensors and all that to seek out the grass elsewhere, cause surely the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Or rather, surely there must be greener grass on the other side of some fence?

Feeling a bit too old right now frankly I can’t muster no interest in AI and/or machine learning or suchlike, even clicking around in some cloud or worse yet doing the terraform or I guess the OpenTofu apply, is to me something comparable to going to the dentist, and therefore I ain’t sure of how many years I’ve got left in my career, been guessing like five, so that makes me think about that song by Sonata Arctica; The Last Amazing Greys, in which the Wolf in the lyrics passes the torch to the younger generation (a very good song), it’s I think is about being chased by what I think is death, and death is catching up.

Listening to that song while writing this I feel my spirits rising, I will do something clever, a real clever move like I always do, probably there will be clouds in there and I shall embrace it.

You can lead a donkey to the river, but it’s still gonna be a donkey when it gets there.