Four walls that you never see

I am not looking forward to being buried.

It’s the one situation like I imagine waking up inside of the casket, cause I wasn’t really dead after all, like somebody made a mistake and I’m buried alive like in kill Bill. That would not be fun at all, better then to get cremated so you are 100% dead and then it don’t matter.

To be a vampire must be such a terrible experience with the sleeping every day inside of a coffin or a casket. That does not sit well with me at all. What if somebody seals the whole thing in concrete and sinks it in the Atlantic Ocean or something?

Then what?

Mayhap I’ll write something about that in my book. Maybe some medieval fantasy gothic horror setting with vampires and stuff. I’ll try to put everything people like in a book like the Harry Potter: mystery, magic, romance, poor people getting even, high school drama, romance, horror, etc except I wont have quidditch in my book. Wasn’t the first like 11% of Phoenix order about quidditch?