Another day in paradise

Aaah what a life!!

the sun is shining more and more with every passing day, making the nights shorter and melting the hard snow to ice and puddles, leaving the ground underneath visible in places, like the receding hairline of some wet middle aged man.

The nights are brighter too, as there have been a big full moon shining a cool light on us ominously.

Werewolf moon and snowy ice and puddles.

It’s very dangerous to venture outside as you are likely to slip on the ice. The gravel which used to help does not help no more, as it’s now underneath the ice which have thawed to let the grovel sink into it and frozen again in a very mischievous way, making a causal observer think it safe to pass when in reality it’s anything but.

Knowing about the treacherous paths does not help, as the snow on the sides are similarly made slippery and hard by the shifting weather with warm days and chill nights, so it’s really best to stay inside for now.

It’s this very special time with spring around the corner, where you are likely to be able to ice fish, which is what I’m going to do next week.

Got a lot of plans for next week.